Part 6: Episode VI: Country Hospitality
Episode VI: Country Hospitality.jpg)
Civilization at last... maybe. Before we knock on the town gates, there is a treasure chest there just waiting for some plucky adventurers to plunder. Since any rural town just loves it when outsiders roll in and immediately start stealing their shit.
Thats quite the cumbersome item just to cure confusion... On the subject of status effects, Shadow Hearts has several but theyre pretty stock variety:
- Poison Character loses a small amount of HP each turn. Slightly more potent than in Koudelka since everyones overall HP values are much lower.
- Paralysis Characters can only use items or defend. Annoying but not disastrous.
- Silence Cannot cast magic. Can make several characters effectively useless (Alice.)
- Confusion Character starts attacking allies. Hey we just got a remedy for that!
- Berserk Result of Sanity being depleted. Character will attack allies like in Confusion and also cast curative spells/use consumable items on enemies. A major problem that needs to be avoided/immediately addressed. Also prone to being stuck on boats for absurd lengths of time and can lead to the dreaded hiatus status effect if not cured.
- Petrify Character is frozen and cannot act. Its a Game Over if all characters or even the last remaining conscious character has Petrify status.

New Music: Sea - Highnoon Fish (Kind of an odd track name for a landlocked town in the middle of the night.)

Alice walks away from the gate.

Two children wander over from opposite side of the gate. They have the descriptive names Red-Eyed Child and Yellow-Eyed Child. Nobody remarks on this fact.


Yuri walks up to the gate and starts kicking it.

Alice walks up to the gate since Yuri is getting nowhere.

The clearly evil kids open up the gate and run up to Alice.

All four walk past the gate.

Yuri and Alice follow the kids into the village as the gates magically close shut behind them. Yeah, nothing to worry about in this town. No sir. Theyve just got surprisingly advanced automation for being out in the sticks. Thats all!
We now have free reign to wander around the town -- Zhaoyang Village. Nobody on the critical path has the decency to mention the town name during any story scenes here. Weve got to talk to townspeople or save the game to get the location name. Our first order of business is...
...naturally to double back and acquire a hidden item in some debris near the gate on the previous screen. Shadow Hearts really loves pixel hunting hidden items out in the field. There is rarely any indication an item is nearby. Yuri will just have an exclamation mark pop out of his head if hes near a hotspot he can interact with in the vicinity. So thats fun. I definitely don't have a FAQ open at all times to find where the hell everything is hidden.
In case someone gets hit with Paralysis, we can just toss a hair clip at their head and sort that out. Good to know. With that in hand, lets get to chatting some townsfolk.


Just a moment, folks. You seem to have dropped some mystical arrowheads. You guys wont want those back, will you? Didnt think so. As it says, this will increase the size of the Judgment Rings Hit Area. Which has its uses.

Shadow Hearts doesnt have the largest budget on the planet so there are a LOT of repeating generic NPCs that have just changed the color of their clothes and skin shades to masquerade as different character models. I do appreciate every single unnamed character gets a descriptive title to give them a bit of flavor to make up for that fact.


Continuing further into the town, we come upon a save point and a well containing a Tent if we want to top off Alice and Yuris health during downtime. Unfortunately, Zhaoyang Village does not contain a proper inn. There are inns in this game, mind you. Just not here. That aside, we can speak with the last few villagers...


Thats enough messing with weirdos. Lets talk to the only important NPC wandering the streets at the moment: the first merchant.

Shops are about what youd expect in a RPG. We can buy and sell inventory. The sell prices are middling at best. Were not exactly flush in cash at the moment. But that doesnt mean we cannot browse. Lets take a look at what this guy is peddling that weve yet to lay eyes on...
Yes, yes maam... This priceless relic was carved from a gleaming red pearl in the dark ages by the most talented of Franciscan monks.
Why is it green...?
Come again?
You said it was made from a red pearl but this is clearly a dull green.
Oh well... you see... Err... Hundreds of years have altered the color of the pearl. Yes, yes... the ravages of time. Anyway, thatll be $2770. Cash only. No credit.
So youre selling me a human bone carving from a Buddha? You, a rando merchant in the middle of nowhere China has this readily available. Multiple copies of it, no less? Well, it does prevent confusion so it must be legit! Let me get my wallet.
Weve yet to encounter it but characters Judgment Ring can get status effects as well. Things such as making the needle spin faster or reducing the Hit/Strike Area on the ring. Well get into those in further detail when they actually crop up. This goes for 90 Cash and having a few on hand isnt a bad idea.
Please dont start eating silver to slow down your Judgment Ring. I can guarantee that is not a healthy practice. Even if its only 100 Cash a pop.
Thats it for the merchant. Theres nothing we need right at this juncture. The house to left of the Wandering Peddler is where those two clearly evil children told us to visit. But it seems theyre not ready yet. Instead, were just going to wander to the northern end of the village, where we find...

Music: Destruction - Noise of Fangs

A bald old man wanders over.

The Vacant-eyed Old Man wanders off.

The pair leave the shrine and immediately encounter the Children of the Corn twins from earlier.

Music: Sea - Highnoon Fish

Welp. May as well follow into the obvious trap. Whats the worst that could happen?

Yuri and Alice enter.

The Mayor Lady stands up and walks out the front door. Alice give Yuri a dude what the hell? gesture as she walks past.

The two cannibal boys run off outside. They have an amazingly awful arm flailing run cycle. Yuri proceeds to start pulling on drawers looting the place.

And so Alice and Yuri retire for the evening. At least, until...

New Music: Sweet Pillows

Music: Sea - Highnoon Fish

Alice and Yuri rise off the floor.



Music: Brain Hopper
And so the twins reveal their true form Hellcats! Which seem to be barely stronger than a normal human ten year old so the transformation wont really help them. Theyve only got 45 HP each.
Either of Yuris Fusions is enough to completely destroy one of the twins in just a single combo or two. The Hellcats are Light element and since well be sorting them out with physical attacks, Raging Tiger is the better choice since its slightly stronger physically and wont take as much damage from their magical attacks.
Exorcist Arrow are the Hellcats only offensive ability. It only does around 8-10 HP worth of damage, but the twins will each do an Exorcist Arrow in succession. Unless we make one of em stop breathing first... Then it becomes significantly harder for em to double up on the damage.
Alice doesnt have much to do during this fight. She can whoop one of the twins over the head with her bible which might be enough to take em down with Yuris next attack. But its not a big contribution. She can also heal if the twins decide to exclusively target one of our characters and the damage mounts up, especially on Alice with her still quite low overall HP. But its hardly necessary.
Turns out beating the shit out of children is exceedingly easy. Whod a thunk?
We get a modest reward of EXP for our troubles. Also bosses and mini-bosses count for multiple ticks on the Soul Energy meter. Each Hellcat added +2 Light element. Unlike Malice, any additions to these meters at the end of battles are welcome.

Music: Destruction - Noise of Fangs

The two children fade away, indicating they are very permanently dead. Thats not just a demon thing. For some reason in Shadow Hearts, all characters who are actually dead will fade away like a Jedi whether theyre human or demon. That said, Im glad we got the traditional LP child murder out of the way early on. I swear Im not doing this on purpose in games I pick to LP!
Alice goes to the door and looks around outside.

The pair head outside.
Welp... This escalated quickly. Tune in next time as Yuri and Alice explore

Video: Episode 6 Highlight Reel (Worth watching just to see those childrens run cycle and dancing cat spell casting.)